What Should Be Included in an Estate Plan?

Creating an estate plan is an important step in ensuring that your assets and wishes are protected and carried out after your passing. This comprehensive guide will walk you through what should be included in an estate plan, such as a will, power of attorney, healthcare directives, and more. By taking the time to carefully… Continue reading What Should Be Included in an Estate Plan?

The Art of Hiring: When to Start and How to Begin

If you don’t know where to find the first member of your staff, we’ve got you covered. If you’ve been running a solo operation for a while, the idea of hiring your first employee may feel overwhelming. Can you really trust someone else to handle the work you do every day? How will you know… Continue reading The Art of Hiring: When to Start and How to Begin

How to Pay for a Home Renovation

Home renovations can be exciting, but paying for them requires a lot of planning. If you aren’t careful you could end up with unnecessary debt. The best way to pay for a home improvement, be it a kitchen refresh or emergency roof repair, is to use cash savings—it costs nothing in interest and leaves you… Continue reading How to Pay for a Home Renovation

Financial Empowerment for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care

When youths get close to aging out of foster care, it’s important to plan for emancipation. Aging out of foster care — or emancipating — is the termination of court jurisdiction over youths formally in foster care. U.S. federal law requires a transition plan to be established six months before a youth’s 18th birthday, but… Continue reading Financial Empowerment for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care

7 Financial Advisors and Experts Share Their Best Money Tips

Without a global pandemic and economic recession, financial planning is difficult to do alone. That’s why we talked to financial planners and advisors nationwide to develop the best money tips we could find. These aren’t get-rich-quick ideas; they’re positive, habit-forming strategies that can lead you to financial independence. Here are some simple tips from financial… Continue reading 7 Financial Advisors and Experts Share Their Best Money Tips

Nearly 80% of young adults get their financial advice from guess who?

Guess where most young adults get their financial advice. Is it their parents? Nope. Not a teacher or professor either, and definitely not someone at a bank or an investment company. It’s the savants of all financial wisdom – the ones on social media! Warren Buffett would probably have a cow if he knew this,… Continue reading Nearly 80% of young adults get their financial advice from guess who?

5 steps to financial success

Happy parents playing with baby girl on dad’s knee, close-up

Financial success means something different to everyone. To one, it may mean having a net worth over $1 million; to someone else it may mean simply being debt free. Regardless of where you stand, it’s important to know what financial stability looks like. You want to focus on things that matter and not waste time… Continue reading 5 steps to financial success

The Power of Learning : Influential Books

Just as we fuel our bodies with food, it is just as important to fuel our minds with information for continued growth. Being self-motivated to continuously learn about our career and industry, our hobbies and passions, and the world around us, allows us to constantly develop and self-improve. Being a life-long learner results in developing… Continue reading The Power of Learning : Influential Books

Do You Need a Financial Advisor If You Aren’t Rich? See What the Experts Say

You may think you don’t need a financial advisor if you’re not rich, but the truth is that, depending on your situation, having one may benefit you. For many people, the expert advice and guidance they receive from working with one of these professionals far outweigh the costs. Learn whether you could benefit from a financial… Continue reading Do You Need a Financial Advisor If You Aren’t Rich? See What the Experts Say

6 Steps Women Can Take Toward Their Financial Goals in 2023

In an unpredictable economy marked by ongoing layoffs and inflation, women across all generations may feel as though reaching their financial goals is a journey riddled with roadblocks. No matter the kinds of goals women have, generations they belong to or personal situations they are in, women can reach these goals and achieve financial freedom. Some steps… Continue reading 6 Steps Women Can Take Toward Their Financial Goals in 2023